Book Series Hagener Berichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik

In the book series Hagener Berichte der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Hagen Reports of Business Informatics) scientific essays about business informatics and computer science at Southwestphalia University are published. The contributions comprise seminar reports and research studies in German or in English.

Published so far:

Band 01
Volume 1. Andreas de Vries (ed.): Kryptologie und „P versus NP“. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2012. 108 pages [ISBN 978-3-84481624-2]. Contents:
  • Cryptology. (Seminar in summer term 2005) A survey of cryptology is given. The basic notions of symmetric-key and public-key algorithms are explained, as well as digital signature, hash functions and quantum cryptography. (Essay in German)
  • P ≠ NP? (Seminar in summer term 2010) A short survey of the problem “P ≠ NP?” is given, presenting the basic notions of Turing machines and complexity classes. Many examples illustrate the topics and theorems. (Essay in English)

Band 02
Volume 2. Tobias Augustin: Objekterkennung und Robotik. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2013. 140 pages [ISBN 978-3-84826507-7]. Contents:
  • Introductory overview of two-dimensional object recognition as part of computer vision, propulsion technologies and the development of an object-recognizing robotic system basing on Java. (In German)

Band 03
Volume 3. Martin Katzenberger: Algorithmen zur Losgrößenoptimierung. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2013. 144 pages [ISBN 978-3-73224117-0] Contents:
  • Katzenberger gives a survey of common algorithms for dynamic lot-size optimization and reports their application on various test cases using a special software framework. In particular, test cases representing sporadic demands at rolling planning horizons are focused on. The test results yield a careful evaluation of the exact methods of Wagner-Whitin and Federgruen-Tzur in comparison to genetic and heuristic algorithms. (In German)